How to register for online shopping with Calgel
Follow this guide on how to register for online shopping. If you don’t wish to shop online please contact us to order via email
Go to the shopping site by clicking HERE
Or enter the following address into your web browser
This will take you to our website and online shopping site’s Home page
Click on the MY ACCOUNT option on the top of the page
If you are using a mobile to access the site, you will need to click on the 3 lines at the top of the page, which will pull up a Menu where youcan select MY ACCOUNT.
You now have to register an account to access the online shopping site.
Please note that the request will not be active immediately and will be pending manual approval, your patience is appreciated.
Once your request has been approved you may add items to your cart by going to the PRODUCTS section and selecting the products you want to add to your cart.
Check out and voila…
Online shopping Q&A
Q: Why do I have to register an account to shop online?
A: Our online shop is for South Africa only, registering will allow us to see where you are before approving your online shopping request.
Q: Why do I have to specify if I am a professional or non-professional?
A: As Calgel is a professional gel nail system, there is a price difference for professional nail technicians and non-professional customers. By submitting your nail related qualification or proof of salon ownership, we can grant you access to shop at the wholesale / salon prices. Registering as a non-professional will only allow you access to the consumer prices.
Q: Can I order without using online shopping?
A: Yes, please contact us via email at or contact one of our independant distributors HERE
Q: I have registered but nothing happened?
A: Please be patient, we have received your request which is pending manual approval. You will receive an email notification once your request has been approved. If your request is not approved for any reason we will also be in contact with you.